Social Impact Through Collaboration

Becoming an Ambassador

 All of our Ambassadors have a strong connection to our organisation.


The CFSC TALENTS platform nurtures and supports emerging fashion designers to progress in a field of social entrepreneurship, providing a global platform through which graduates from Fashion Design schools have a unique opportunity to make a social impact, build their name and connect with fashion brands -  free of charge. Portfolios are selected individually and scouted throughout the world.


Tell Us Your Story

We care for people. We would love to document and publish your inspiring story. Our content aspires to present multifaceted personal perspectives that offer impressions of cities you live or work in, various artistic approaches and thoughts on how fashion can make a social impact. Our goal is to introduce real people and stories from around the world with an honest and authentic approach.


Showcase your work

CFSC is the world’s leading emerging designer platform for showcasing and nurturing today’s talents in contemporary fashion. Our platform help designers to gain exposure in the fashion industry at no cost and help to connect designers to the projects that focus on charitable causes. CFSC gives designers a space where they can connect with a global audience and showcase their designs from anywhere in the world.


Share your creative process

The creative process of building a piece of fashion varies widely from designer to designer. For some, that means building mood boards of imagery that captures the feeling a designer . For others, it means going on a vintage shopping expedition and lining up these pieces on dress forms, or else spending days and days at the library poring over history books.  What does it mean for you?